Dr. Boris Huzjan, M. Sc. C. E. - HUKA President

It is my great pleasure to present you the web site of our Association.  We wish to be as useful as possible to our members, and also highly accessible to the public and to all people interested in motorways and in the way they are operated. 

Association comprises three companies-members which are currently in charge of managing as much as 1.341,10 km of tolled motorways in Croatia: Hrvatske autoceste d.o.o (HAC), BINA ISTRA d.d. (BINA) and Autocesta Zagreb-Macelj d.o.o. (AZM).

Toll collection has been accepted as a mean for financing motorway construction and operation in most countries of the European Union.  The European Union has adopted the principle that the user is also the polluter, and that it is therefore obliged to pay for services relating to the use of road infrastructure.

Although each company has different structure of corporate ownership and legal form of business, all four companies have the same mission: financing, building, operating and maintaining the motorway network mainly with revenues from tolls.

Toll collection has been accepted as a mean for financing and operating the motorways in most of the European Union. European Union is advocating for the principle that user pays for the use of road infrastructure according to distance travelled. Also, user is polluter and has to pay in accordance with emission of CO2 that he produces.

The Government of the Republic of Croatia started a process aiming to transformation of the existing tolling system on motorways into system that will enable free flow electronic tolling, improve the road safety and traffic flow levels and that will be interoperable with future EETC service. Implementation of these goals in the forthcoming years will be challenging for all our members. 

I have to say with pleasure that Croatian motorway companies have been keeping pace with organizational and technological solutions applied by similar motorway companies in other European countries. Nevertheless, new solutions and rapid developments in the sphere of mobility are inspiring us to make continuous and yet greater efforts to keep up with latest developments so that our motorways are always kept in line with the principal criteria: safety, mobility and environmental protection.

I will make every effort to continue with successful coordination of our members, as initiated by my honourable predecessors, in order to realize the objectives set by the Association.  This first of all implies improvement of safety for all participants in road traffic, harmonization of motorway management procedures and actions, provision of highest quality services to our users, development of interoperability among national motorway companies and with the future EETC service and strengthening the links with neighbouring motorway companies in the European Union through Euro-Regional Projects.

Road safety and environmental protection are top priorities of the European Union, and it is core business of motorway companies. Consequently, it is also a main goal of Croatian motorway companies. Motorways are roads of highest safety standard, they have been designed to be safe and comfortable. Still today motorways provide the safest journey and according to statistics motorways are four times safer than other roads. However, driving implies interaction of all actors: motorway, driver and vehicle, as well as other factors such as weather conditions and other participants in traffic. Therefore the responsibility of every driver is of utmost importance. 

I now invite you to browse through the following pages to find out more about HUKA and its members and I wish you a safe and pleasant journey!