Objectives of ASECAP

Exchanging information and experience, participating in research programmes and further developing and enhancing the direct "user/payer" toll system as an instrument of a sustainable, safe and environmentally friendly transport policy;

strengthening the efficiency of their networks and permanently improving the level of services provided to the European citizens, by keeping up with the latest technology developments and the best operational practices.

Principal objectives of the Association are to:

  • exchange among members all information about construction and operation of toll motorways and other toll facilities (bridges and tunnels);
  • protect and provide information about toll motorways and other toll facility systems,
  • promote and organize among members study meetings focusing on technical, administrative and financial issues,
  • collect technical and statistical data about construction and operation, based on unified data collection schemes, and submit such data to its members,
  • maintain relationships with international organizations and the European Union, and participate in projects of European interest, based on approval of relevant decision-making bodies.
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